White Harmony

The Virtue and Junior Youth Annual Festival held on Friday, February 23, was indeed a beautiful day! As a sign of peace and purity, the color theme of the event was white.
Mr. Zekarias gave a hearty welcome speech, then passed the program to the two Year 4 students who hosted the morning event. The first presentation, a song entitled ‘It’s a beautiful day’ by year 3 and 4 students, summed up the mood of the event; their nightingale-like voices filled the venue as they swayed their virtue paper flags.
The subsequent presentations were in the form of poems, speeches, songs, dramas, contemporary dance, and games involving the parents, teachers, and administrators, all with a common denominator: teaching a virtue or two such as kindness, generosity, thankfulness, truthfulness, teamwork, etc.
One of the signatures of our school is our passion for inculcating virtue in our students right from the time they join our school in kindergarten. It is our sincere hope that our students will never part with the characters that they have learned while here.