
Cambridge International Primary

At One Planet, we cherish and respect each individual child as distinct, powerful, and capable of creating knowledge. Children learn about the world through their families, classmates, teachers, their surroundings through social settings and cultures; and they bring these experiences to school. Together with loving and collaborative educators, children at One Planet participate in meaningful activities and inquiries, which are framed by the One Planet learning approach, which is concept-based and inquiry-driven, with the learner at the heart of the learning process.
The Cambridge International Primary curriculum at One Planet starts on an exciting educational path. It is designed for kids aged 5 to 11 and provides a firm foundation for students at the start of their studies before continuing through the Cambridge Pathway in an age-appropriate manner.

It stresses play and connections as a driving factor for inquiry learning. Every child’s curiosity and passion are essential for their social and cognitive development, and this excitement drives each child to explore their own questions and curiosity in a safe and pleasurable learning environment, both within and outside the classroom. Students are given the opportunity to express themselves and apply all of their senses to find meaning with movement, painting, transformation, mathematics, drawing, construction, art, and music, so laying a firm basis for future learning in primary school and beyond. There are a variety of optional evaluations available to help effectively measure students’ potential and development.