Pages of Promise

The kindergarten division hosts Reading Day annually, where they invite parents to witness their children’s reading skills, and this year was no exception.
On Friday, April 19, 2024, the beaming faces of our little angels shone brightly as they waited expectantly but patiently for the program to begin at 9:30 a.m. at the Kg ground.
The kindergarten manager, Ms. Desta, officiated the day, stressed the importance of inculcating a reading culture in children at a tender age, and pointed out a number of ways to do so.
The youngsters introduced themselves to the parents before they began to read. The readings were differentiated according to the 3 class levels: LKG (the CVC words), UKG (simple sentences), and Fat Cat Story Book, whereas Year 1 read Scooby Doo and different quotes from popular people around the world. The parents were unable to read due to the limited time.
It was a very interesting experience, and the little ones performed exceptionally! The event came to a conclusion at 12:30 p.m. We thank the parents who participated in the program.